Skincare routine that might be similar to what Tamanna Bhatia or other celebrities follow:

Please note that individual routines can vary greatly based on personal preferences, genetics, and professional guidance.

A balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for achieving a toned body. Focus on lean proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables. 

A combination of cardiovascular exercises like running, cycling, or dancing and strength training is essential.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and support your metabolism. Water also helps flush out toxins from the body.

Quality sleep is vital for muscle recovery and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

Achieving a toned body requires consistency. Stick to your diet and exercise plan over the long term for the best results.

Start the day by cleansing face with a gentle cleanser to remove any impurities.Apply a toner to balance the skin's pH and prepare it for the next steps.

Apply a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.Use a serum containing ingredients like vitamin C or hyaluronic acid.

Gently remove any makeup using a makeup remover or oil cleanser. Cleanse your face again to ensure your skin is free from dirt and makeup residue.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information on Tamanna Bhatia's routines, I recommend checking her official social media accounts or interviews.